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Sunday, 26 May 2013

Summer Wardrobe

Finally the sun is out!! Although in Scotland we never now for how long. Nevertheless, I am already in summer mode. I love long evenings and afternoons in the park having picnics. We did have a picnic a few weeks back with Elliott and he loved it. He was just so happy, that's all he talked about for the next week or so.

Now the sun is making an appearance I am starting to get my summer items out of my wardrobe. Last year I decided to invest in a few key items that I knew i would be able to team up with pretty much anything in my wardrobe. One of these items was a light denim jacket from Zara. I love it! Here's an example of y perfect summer outfit - cute dress, denim jacket and nude gladiator shoes. What's your perfect summer wardrobe?

1. Cute bike dress from Anthropologie (sold out) but this one is another cute one.
2. Denim Jacket - Zara
3. Triangle necklace - Urban Outfitters
4. Eila nude gladiators - Shoemint . Clarks has a pair I like as well.

Et voilĂ ....


Anonymous said...

lovely wardrobe !,nice dress Is it yours ?

Emmett Katherine said...

I really like that triangle necklace and cute summer dress. such a shame its sold out. this is the prefect summer outfit!

Em K

Win $100 from Manitobah Mukluks!

Julie said...

Thanks Katherine! You can still get the dress on ebay:)