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Thursday, 12 March 2015

Mother's day panic!!!

What? You totally forgot to get something for your mum for Mother's Day on Sunday...shame on you!! I don't want to hear how commercial these days are...May I remind you the excruciating pain your mother probably went through during birth just so that you could enjoy breathing and reading my blog of course. And if you are a guy/girl and your lovely partner kindly gave birth to your children then this applies to you too!! I'm not joking...I have to say I am over celebrating my birthday as it is just another way to remind me that I am aging so these days I am much more into Mother's Day. Somehow being the centre of attention for the day softens the blow of cleaning vomit at 3am, change nappies and just constantly juggling six thousands things at the same time...yes that's right, mums are awesome! That's my rant over.
Now, I have been told by some people close to me that I have high standards and I am hard to buy for (!), that's why I have selected a few things that I would really enjoy getting on Mother's Day and hopefully you would too.

  • Invite your mum to a high tea in a lovely tea room. How can you go wrong with yummy sandwiches, great scones and jam?...well you can't! I particularly love this place in Glasgow
  • Amazing body and face lotions from Aesop, beautiful simple design and great products.
  • A hot stone massage: somehow my back is constantly sore, so I dream of one of these; the warmth from the stones is exactly what I need to relax my muscles and ease my aches.
  • A mini candle from Diptyque (I say mini as the normal size candle is extortionate). I love the smell of Baies, Feu de Bois or Pomander, all perfect.

 Here you are, you have no excuse now. Have a lovely Mothering Sunday. x

Sunday, 8 March 2015

Beautiful pastels

I fell in love with this flat as soon as I saw it on the Alvhem's website. The light is beautiful and I love how soft everything feels: the pink pastel hues, the light floors, the drapes in the bedroom. I find this place very relaxing.  I also love how good the floors look. Do you think it has been treated with white oil? Coincidentally this the second time this week I've come across white oiled floors. Catherine from @Flutterbymama on ig seems to have done the same thing with hers and it looks great - check it out here.