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Friday, 30 October 2015

Beautiful Gothenburg flat

I love the laid back look of this flat from the white wash floor to the pure white walls.

All images from Entrance

Saturday, 17 October 2015

Scandi Inspiration

I just saw this beautiful flat on Homesick blog and just fell in love with how clean and light it is. I would move in in heart beat!

All photos Alexander White. Hop on to the Homesick blog to see more!

Monday, 5 October 2015

Kids Room - Wallpaper

I am still alive! Apologies for the long absence but I have been so busy at work and it managed to kill any creativity I had.  This post is a funny one as I have a love hate relationship with wallpaper. I like the idea of having one wall papered and I adore all the wallpapers I am featuring today BUT it's a big commitment! It's not like paint where you can just paint over if you don't like the colour or you are fancy a change. Wallpaper is a bit more expensive, a total pain to hang and basically that makes it long term:)
But if I were braver this would be some of these options I would go for, not too busy, not too much colour, on one wall perfect!

Wallpaper Fine Little Day