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Thursday, 28 February 2013

New-ish House

Front of the house
I can't believe it has already been nearly 6 months since we have moved into our new house. I had said to myself that I would start a blog shortly after we moved, but 6 months I think I have been a bit lazy! We used to live in a lovely two bedroom ground floor flat in what I would describe as one of the loveliest streets in Glasgow. It was so pretty with its old lamp post and beautiful gardens in the middle. We were able to have barbecue or just lie in the sun. It was great but unfortunately with Elliott getting older and still having his cot in our bedroom it wasn't ideal. Because of the age difference between Zoe and Elliott we thought putting together in a room wouldn't work. So we set about finding a new place in our budget that met our long list of demands. At many points in our search we thought that place didn't even exist!
This is what we were looking for:
* 3/4 bedrooms - an extra would be great for guests
* No neighbours above if possible
* would be great if it was a duplex
* in a area near the school Zoe goes to.
* Unfurnished - that seems to be near impossible in Glasgow!
* for less than £1000 a month - top of our budget