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Friday, 30 January 2015

Thinking about Wall Lights

I have been looking at black wall light for a while now. We don't really have space on our bedside tables for lamps so I think this would be the perfect solution for us. I love a swing arm but I am open to other options. Here are a few that I like:

Birdie Wall Light- Northern Light

Thursday, 22 January 2015

I could go on and on and on...Black taps

Bathroom by Frag Woodall featured in Share Design

I am still obsessing over beautiful bathroom probably just because ours isn't. I stumbled across the bathroom above while reading Share Design's blog and this would just be perfect for our space! . I love the clean lines, the mix of the white and woods but I also really really like the black bath/shower taps. It offers the perfect contrast you need to keep things interesting. Check out these bathroom, all featuring black taps...I am seriously very jealous!

Friday, 16 January 2015

Friday I'm in Love: Bedding

Photo by Sack me

Today is all about pillowcases, duvet covers and fitted sheets etc.  I love my bed, maybe more than your average person I have to say, I would easily spend the day in bed if I could but unfortunately nowadays it's not an option! Ah!
There are so many amazing beddings out there and I thought I would do a rundown of some of my favourites. I tend to buy my basics from H&M, their duvets are still affordable and the quality is good compared to other retailers. But I like to add a quirky piece here and there from smaller designers.