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Friday, 16 January 2015

Friday I'm in Love: Bedding

Photo by Sack me

Today is all about pillowcases, duvet covers and fitted sheets etc.  I love my bed, maybe more than your average person I have to say, I would easily spend the day in bed if I could but unfortunately nowadays it's not an option! Ah!
There are so many amazing beddings out there and I thought I would do a rundown of some of my favourites. I tend to buy my basics from H&M, their duvets are still affordable and the quality is good compared to other retailers. But I like to add a quirky piece here and there from smaller designers.

I have kept this gender neutral as I am not a big fan of overly gendered items anyway, let alone disney themed stuff:) There are so many cute graphic bedding for wee ones.

clockwise for top left:

Photo by The Affordable Style Files - awesome ig account if you are looking for inspiration

Again you can mix and match, nothing is gender specific in what I have selected. My daughter has always been a tomboy and would have killed me if I have decorated her bedroom all in pink:)

Clockwise from top left:

  • Bright Rebecca Kiff's tiger pillow case.
  • Mini Rodini's jungle bed set They also have a hot dog one that is pretty cool!
  • Night Time pillow case by Pop Factory, I bought one for Elliott but somehow Zoe loves it too
  • Bow and Arrow bed set by Beau Loves

clockwise from top left:

  • Photo by Miniwilla featuring the really playful ice cream bed set by Sack me
  • Harlequin duvet set by Ferm Living
  • I only discovered this brand a few weeks back but they have some very cool bedding, here is the Watermelon pillowcase by I Love Linen
  • Superhero mask pillowcase with a cross and dot duvet from Beau Loves, Zoe has this set and loves it

Although they probably want an adult vibe in their room and are over the cute stuff, yous till want a fun room...they are still kids at heart aren't they?

Clockwise from top left:

I love a simple look for my bedroom, I want to be able to relax and don't want crazy bedding that clashes with everything else I have. I like to keep to greys and whites.

Clockwise from top left:

  • H&M blanket - how soft does it look, it's been on my wish list for a while now:)
  • Perfectly crisp white sheets
  • Soft wool Blanket by Fine Little Day
  • Linen Duvet set by H&M

Clockwise from top left:

  • Gorgeous bedroom by the talented Romana on Instagram featuring the oh so coveted blanket by Pia Wallen
  • Both fitted sheet and duvet set by H&M
  • Blanket by Ikea, now discontinued unfortunately!
Here you are, enjoy snuggling up this weekend, it is very cold here in Glasgow so we are going to need lots of blankets!! Have a nice weekend x

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