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Saturday, 30 March 2013

Fresh Start- Zoe's bedroom update

As I had already mentioned here Zoë's bedroom was a mess. Our priority when we got the keys was to make the bedrooms habitable first and then we would deal with the rest once we had moved.  The room had been painted green and it took about four coats to finally get it white.

My friend Lucy, who had very kindly volunteered to help me, and I thought we would never get rid of that green! Every time the white coat dried the green came back up, I dreamed of green for about three days after that!!
Once the room was all whire, it really made a big difference. There is something so lovely about a freshly painted bedroom, especially in white, it is so fresh and clean.

Thursday, 21 March 2013


Easter is fast approaching and I love what it represents for me: Spring, holidays, some time with my family and chocolate:)
Talking about chocolate I have been looking at the best Easter eggs available out there.
First is a selection that's clearly for adults (might have a look at kids' options later):

From the top clockwise:
Pierre Hermé -Dar chocolate egg with different pebbles with Hermé's signature flavours
Ladurée - Treasure Egg: dark chocolate egg with a macaroon pyramide in the centre
Artisan du Chocolat  -  Beautiful Columbian Jungle Egg
Pierre Marcolini -  Mini chocolate egg selection

Easter wouldn't be complete without some kind of baking project. Here are a few that i have caught my eyes when I was researching Easter eggs.

A beautiful chocolate mousse filled egg recipe by OUR KITCHEN

 DIY Speckled Egg Cake by The Cake Blog

Easter Bunny Macarons by Raspberri Cupcake

 Cute tutorial by Present&Correct via Poppytalk

Friday, 15 March 2013

High Tea

The other week I invited my mum, my mother-in-law and my Zozo for High Tea. It was a pre-Mother Day's treat as my mum was over from France. I took them to the Hidden Lane Tearoom as I knew they would all love it. For me it represents everything I adore: cute mix and match vintage tea set, beautiful cakes, amazing selection of tea and just a friendly relaxed atmosphere. It just feels cosy and perfect for a Sunday afternoon.

On that particular day we decided to have the High Tea. We only ordered two for the four of us as we felt it would probably be enough. And it was perfect. There was plenty to eat and everything was delicious. We were completely full by the end of the afternoon:)

  Some beautiful scones, yum:)

 Last time I went was with two very pretty ladies! It was so nice to catch up over a good slice of cake:)

 I do love a vintage tea cup!

There is even old vintage board games if you want to have a wee game with your friends! 

Sunday, 10 March 2013

Zoë's Bedroom

When we moved into our new house, Zoë's bedroom was probably the worst room out of the lot and was our priority. All the other rooms were liveable, hers was pretty bad. There was a section of carpet missing, the walls were really dirty and it just looked horrendous. It was green, very green: green curtains, green walls, green carpet. Green used to be my favourite colour before we moved here, now I am not so sure! Sometimes I wonder if the landlord didn't just buy one big giant 10 litre pot of green paint and randomly painted the house with is literally everywhere!

Thursday, 7 March 2013

Mother's Day Gift Ideas

So Mother's Day is round the corner - Sunday 10th March! Although it can be seen as just another commercial event I love the fact that mums are getting a day just for them. We deserve it!!So here are a few things that I have had my eyes on lately! ( Hint Hint...)

1. BoConcept Candlesticks / 2.UO necklace / 3. Oana Befort Lion print / 4. Indeeb Labs Eye Rescue