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Thursday 21 March 2013


Easter is fast approaching and I love what it represents for me: Spring, holidays, some time with my family and chocolate:)
Talking about chocolate I have been looking at the best Easter eggs available out there.
First is a selection that's clearly for adults (might have a look at kids' options later):

From the top clockwise:
Pierre Hermé -Dar chocolate egg with different pebbles with Hermé's signature flavours
Ladurée - Treasure Egg: dark chocolate egg with a macaroon pyramide in the centre
Artisan du Chocolat  -  Beautiful Columbian Jungle Egg
Pierre Marcolini -  Mini chocolate egg selection

Easter wouldn't be complete without some kind of baking project. Here are a few that i have caught my eyes when I was researching Easter eggs.

A beautiful chocolate mousse filled egg recipe by OUR KITCHEN

 DIY Speckled Egg Cake by The Cake Blog

Easter Bunny Macarons by Raspberri Cupcake

 Cute tutorial by Present&Correct via Poppytalk

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ce sont les meilleurs chocolats !