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Saturday 11 May 2013

Our favorite books

 I am going to try to make this a regular feature ( I know I haven't posted in ages but things have been a bit chaotic at home lately!).
We LOOOOVE books in our house, especially kids' books. Zoe loves reading. She could read an adult size book in an evening if we let her...On the opposite spectrum I haven't read a proper book in years. I get far too involved in the book and end up forgetting everyone and everything else and next thing you know there are no clean dishes, no clean clothes and everyone is eating beans on toast because I forgot to cook or even buy food:(
Elliott enjoys being read stories and asks for three books to be read every night before he goes to bed.
This post is just about books we have enjoyed reading with the kids. I think Zoe will do her own post on books she has enjoyed- it will be on her blog.  I will post the link here once she gets round to it.
The first part of this series is books we've loved to read to Elliott and Zoe when they were babies, they are definitely some old time favourites in there and others that were new to us when Elliott came along:
 1. I am a sucker for good illustration and bought this one mainly for that but I still love the story of the dog wanting to eat a pie.
2. Cute French book about a teddy who lost his teddy. The twist at the end is good:)
3. A classic. Both Zoe and Elliott loved this book and so did we:)
4. Again awesome illustration. This book is part of a series to introduce babies to classics! How cool does the Sherlock Holmes one look!
5. Another classic. I do like interactive book for babies, lots of action things to do with the page etc. That one Elliott decided to show the caterpillar how it's done and actually chewed most of the book:(
6. Elliot got a set as for his first Christmas from nursery and he loved them. Perfect for babies, repetitive with some touching action, love it!
7. Another classic we loved reading this to the kids as babies.

There are so many other books that we loved but what about you guys? What are your favourite baby books?


Anonymous said...

I like Peepo !

Anonymous said...

Il y en a tellement, des livres pour enfants qui sont chouettes !
En vrac, mes préférés pour les moins de 3 ans qui me viennent à l'esprit :
Miam, c'est bon ! de Shizue Arakawa
Mes animaux, de Xavier Deneux
Qui mange qui ? de Nathalie Choux
Un classique : Petit Bleu et Petit Jaune, de Léo Lionni.
Pour ma part, je vais essayer de trouver les n° 1 et 4 que tu conseilles.
On a également l'histoire de la chenille qui est vraiment super, avec un très beau travail de mise en forme.

Julie said...

Merci Bory pour tes conseils de livre francais, je vais voir si je peux les trouver sur internet:) x