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Saturday, 15 November 2014

Kids Bedroom

Today's post is both about my love for Instagram and kids bedrooms. There are so many amazing instagramers out there that inspire me on a daily basis, especially when it comes to kiddies stuff. I have discovered so many new small shops through instagram, that sell quality products that are original and quirky. Below are some of my favourite people I follow on IG.  They also happen to have awesome ideas when it comes to making kids bedrooms fun and interesting.

I do love a monochrome scheme but what I really like about the set up below is the injection of colour here and there, it just makes that lamp pop. It looks really fresh and fun and is the perfect set for studying.

Cassie Chung
I loooove this wallpaper. Unfortunately, Elliott would find too girly and Zoe too I just need to have a chat with A to convince him to have another kiddo purely so that I can have this in the new nursery:)
The shelves I think are tomado's, which are a nice alternative to the strings'.
Kids Design Life

This room has so many lovely objects in it.  I love the big poster above the bed from Pax and Hart and the bedding add a nice bit of colour. Mini and Beau happens to be one of my favourite shops when it comes to bedding. I love their funky pillowcases.
Mini and Beau

This is such a stylish room. I really love the hexagonal shelves, perfect for displaying favourite plastic animals. The whole of the Design Chaser's house oozes with style, you should check her blog out!
The Design Chaser

I love this room, it is quirky and sweet and playful. I would love to have a Fromage La rue bolt lamp but they are based in Australia and aren't shipping to the UK yet:( I love the ice cream bedding too.
Kate Oliver from Rock that Nap

How pretty is this room for a wee girl? Just to show that you don't need to paint everything pink or purple:) The pillowcases are über sweet, who doesn't like watermelon?  I love the bedside table lamp. The cage is such an nice addition. I'm also a big fan of the  wall stickers, great when, like me, you change your mind every 5 seconds:) Again Marcia's account on Instagram is like deco porn, I could  spend hours drooling over her photos, so many beautiful ideas.
Marcia Hill 

oooh I love a teepee, I made one for Elliott's Christmas a few years back and it's such a nice cosy place to hang out to play read books etc.

Whistle and Flute

I hope you are inspired, I certainly am!
Hope you have a lovely Sunday. x

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