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Friday, 26 August 2016

Dreaming of a cottage by the sea

This summer was the first summer the kids and I didn't go to France. I was down about it at first but then it was also the first year since I met A 12 years ago that he was at home for the summer. We decided to have lots of days out. I became obsessed with the weather app and had some amazing days at the beach, where we forgot we were in Scotland as the sun was shining, the sand was white and the water clear. We were also very lucky that one of our friends let us stay at his holiday chalet by the sea. It was so relaxing and made me realise how much I missed being by the sea. My gran has a house in France that looks over the sandy beach and I have spent every summer there since I was 6 so for me summer has to involve a beach and the sea!
Since coming back I have been browsing the internet for beach cottages for sale! Coincidently Minna from Time of Aquarius has just released more photos of her perfect holiday cottage. This just cemented in my head the idea of us trying to get a something similar. Minna's cottage is the perfect place to escape to get close to nature.


I love the use of plywood for the walls and the lye pine floors are so beautiful. You can see progress and finished shots on Minna's blog Time of Aquarius and on her beautiful Instagram account.

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