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Friday, 26 June 2015

Lucy's living room revamp

My lovely friend Lucy just bought her first flat. She hasn't got her keys yet but she has already asked me to think of ways she could make her one bed flat much nicer on a tight budget. Lucy has no furniture and needs to buy EVERYTHING. I have started giving her ideas to create a space she loves.

First up is the living room. At the moment it is really middle of the road and a bit blah in terms of decor. It isn't horrible but it's not exciting either. I think, regardless of the style she is going to go for, there are a couple of things that could be done that would immediately make this room 10x better!
  • Either remove or paint over the wallpaper
  • Paint the window surround white
  • Paint the floor white or sand it and oil it so it's a paler shade
  • Paint the tiles behind the fireplace white or black

For each room I am going to give her several options/ideas, this way she can pick and choose what she likes best.  This week I went for a basic scandi look with some warm wood tones. It's easy to change this look by just swapping the dining chairs, the rug or the print.

From left to right, top to bottom:
Lampshade Normann Copenhagen // Round extendable table Ikea // String Pocket Shelves from Utility Design UK // Skog Print by Fine Little Day // Vitra Eames DSW chair from John Lewis // Terrarium by Jechory Glass Design (Urban Outfitters has nice ones too) // Chair by Blue Suntree // Karlstad Sofa by Ikea // Cowhide by Ikea // Coffee table by Normann Copenhagen

Because Lucy is a geographer I had to have a good print with some kind of scenery or nature on it and some rocks and succulents type of thing as we all know that's what geographers like:)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

oh yes
Tu essaies de le relooker car il est bof !
ce que tu proposes est super !!